Stay Cool This Summer With Outside Improvements
It’s a scorcher out there! With your AC system devouring Ohio energy, you may be looking for any way to keep your home cooler. You may not think of it, but landscaping can help keep your Ohio home cool, especially in the long term. We’ve got seven easy tips for you to try with your green thumb!
Shade Trees Last For Years
Planting a little sapling isn’t going to do much to shade your home. Of course, over time, that little sapling can grow to help shade your home. But shade is only one part of what trees do to cool the air around them. The water vapor that trees give off can significantly lower the temperature of the air around them. Consider native Ohio trees to attract pollinators like birds and butterflies. However, beware of possible storm damage from older, or overgrown trees. Proper trimming will help prevent accidents.
Bonus tip! Consider planting fruit trees for energy saving at home, and at the store. Most varieties of apples bear fruit within 2-3 years. You’ll be saving on your grocery bill, and reducing your carbon foot print.
Landscaping to Cool High Exposure Areas
The south and west sides of your home get the most sun during the summer. Adding shade plants can greatly cut down on the ambient heat soaking into your walls. Vining plants make excellent cover for walls. However, be sure to plant vines on trellises to avoid damage over time to your siding.
Cooling Your Air Conditioner
It’s a popular myth that putting up a shade umbrella can help cool your AC condenser unit working more efficiently will reduce your bills. AC condensers blow air across metal tubing to chill the coolant moving through them. While shading the unit may cool the exterior casing, research shows is does little to chill the coolant inside. But, instead of focusing on shading just the condenser, shade the entire area your condenser is in. This will provider a bigger supply of cooler air for the condenser to use and increase its efficiency.
Paint Colors Can Affect Temperatures
Much like you wouldn’t want to wear all black outside in the hot sun, neither does your house. Darker colors, while pretty, can absorb up to 70%-90% of infrared heat. This can lead to your home feeling a bit like an oven. If you’re in the market for repainting or re-roofing your home, consider lighter colors that reflect more sunlight.
Landscaping for Shade With Shrubs
Asphalt and concrete can reach searing temperatures in the sun. Plant shrubs around walkways to block the sun, and cool the area. Little feet, big feet, and paws will be thankful for the cooler pavement. As an added bonus, shrubs planted around your home can help reduce the moisture that often seeps into basements and makes them musty.
Bonus tip: Take advantage of the sun on paths by installing solar lighting through your yard. This can help reduce the need for large porch lights without the cost of batteries. You can create your own cool place while staying cool.
Landscaping to Save More Green This Summer
The most important thing about all of these tricks is that all of this landscaping can save you money on your Ohio electricity bills. Even a few changes can keep your cooling costs down. If you’re looking to save even more though, check out for more tips and tricks.