Save Money This Winter By Switching And Saving
Winter is coming to the Ohio Valley. However, the only snarling dragon here is your electricity bill. That’s right, Duke Energy is prepping its customers for an expensive winter. Plus, with a La Nina brewing in the Pacific, that lovely little weather maker could send lots of snow into the Ohio Valley. So, if you’re looking to save on your bills this winter, check out how to get the best electricity deal in Kenwood, OH.
The Cheapest Rate In The Valley
First off, we’re starting with the lowest rate in the Ohio Valley (with a catch) from Public Power. At just 6.29 cents per kWh, Public Power’s Electric 13 Month Standard Fixed Rate will keep you locked in until next year without an early termination fee. In the event that prices drop, you’ll have no problem switching to a new plan. All that good comes with a catch, however. There is a monthly fee of $9.99. Now that arguably adds another 1.38 cents per kWh to the price for a total of 7.67 cents per kWh. Okay, not the best deal, however, your actual usage is what really matters.
A Year Of Electricity
At 7.19 cents per kWh, the Preferred 12-Month rate from Santanna Energy Services isn’t fantastically cheap, but some may think it’s better because it doesn’t have any kind of monthly fee. However, it does have an early termination fee. At $100 to switch early, it can make finding a cheaper rate in the spring shoulder months difficult. So think over if that’s going to work out for you in the long run. As your contract term runs out, you should shop for a new plan. Otherwise, you will continue to receive bills from Santanna on a month-to-month basis at a variable rate.
Best Electricity Deal For New Customers
That’s right, new customers can pick up this sweet deal from Direct Energy. Their Live Brighter 18 is 18 months of electricity with no monthly fee and no early termination fee. That means that you can bide your time as long as you need to find a better deal! At the end of the contract, your contract will continue on a month-to-month basis with Direct Energy. So what does this no-fee long-term rate cost? Just 7.39 cents per kWh. That arguably works out to costing less than the Public Power rate. And that’s not so bad.
Run, Don’t Walk Toward These Rates
Pardon the hyperbole, but this winter is going to be expensive. Now’s the time to shop for the best electricity deal you can find. You don’t want to get caught out in the cold with a variable rate. Sure, rates aren’t spectacular right now, but they can keep you from getting buried under rising prices as the snow piles on later.
For great electricity-saving tips, more rates, and other cities, check out www.ohenergyratings.com